History 270
Course Requirements
Exams, Exhibition, Report, and Attendance, etc.

Virtual Museum Exhibit: Life and Society in Ancient Egypt. The final project of this course is a student symposium held in the last four weeks of the term beginning November 3. Here students will form panels of 5-6 students each and present written studies to the class on the various specializations in ancient Egyptian medicine and medical practice or the palaeopathology of specific diseases and conditions. They will answer questions on how the Egyptians conceived of the body and curing it of ailments and disease. Each panel will focus on a different specialization or related diseases or pathology from the perspectives of both the textual and archaeolgical evidence, including the medical papyri, healing spells, autobiographies and the palaeopathology of human remains. Students will contribute to their panel by drafting a 5 to 6 page white paper on a specific issue that contributes to the whole, and each will present that paper to the class as part of their panel's presentations. The specific requirements and late policies are located under the "Symposium Paper"-link on these Web pages. Completion of the panel white paper is required to pass this course.

Grading the Virtual Museum Exhibit and Project Report. In the panel papers, students form a gestalt. They come together as individuals and create a coherent whole made of constituent parts functioning together. That means the grade for each panel must be based on assessing the individual white papers as well as the final combined paper. The professor will combine a series of factors to create the final project grade for each student:

  • the quality of the individual presentation;
  • the overall quality of the group presentation in the panel;
  • the individual white paper grade;
  • the overall combined paper grade;
  • the effort and cooperation of each student contributing to the panel and the combined paper.

To make this project work, all students must produce a real effort. Slackers will suffer because within each panel, students are required to grade each other anonymously in the second half of the term.

Reaction Papers. At various intervals in the course, students may be required to write short but informed reaction papers to various assigned readings or videos. These will be enunciated in class and on the "Reading Assignments"-web page.

Examinations: This course includes two (2) interim exams, essay only, drawn from the lectures, readings, and videos. There is no formal final examination. (See "Reading Assignments"-page below for specific time).

Reading-Assignment Schedule: See the "Syllabus or "Reading Assignments"-page on the course Web pages for the schedule of lectures, assigned readings, quizzes, exams, and other important dates. The class will adhere to this course schedule. Even if we do not complete a particular unit in class on the date specified, we may move on to the next unit, and students will be responsible for the full material through the readings. The instructor still reserves the right to alter the schedule of lectures, discussions, and reading assignments at any time.

Attendance and Participation: Discussion figures prominently in the class-program, and class participation and attendance do constitute a percentage of the course grade. Attendance and participation improve the functioning of the class as well as students’ grades. According to College policy, attendance will be taken daily; any and all unexcused absences will result in automatic grade reductions (see below for policies on athletes and consequences on missing 30% or more of classes).

Absences are excused by presenting written documentation to the Office of Associate Dean of Students. Undocumented and self-documented ("self-reported") excuses are not acceptable. Running errands is not a valid excuse. Students are responsible for all the material in the readings, videos, lectures, etc., whether they are present or not in class. Students should never telephone the instructor on the same day to say they will be absent, nor should they ever(!) call the History Department office to report their absence.

If the instructor does not call the daily roll, an attendance sign-in sheet will be circulated. Students are also marked as absent for the following reasons: they do not sign the attendance sheet; they sign the sheet then leave class; they leave class for an inordinate period of time without valid excuse. Any student who leaves class without permission and does not return after taking a quiz or exam will be recounted as absent, and the quiz/exam will receive an automatic failing grade (0 = F).

VERY IMPORTANT: Any students who have missed 30% of class meetings or more, i.e., nine (9) or more individual classes, regardless of whether they have excused absences or not, will be subject to automatic withdrawal from the course by the professor with a grade of WA which computes into the GPA as a grade of "F". Why? Because the professor's lectures contain more materials than are found in the textbook and course readers, and discussion and question-and-answer constitute important parts of the curriculum. If students have missed 30% of lectures, it is clear they are not getting all the materials, and they are not participating in classroom discussions in any significant manner. Therefore, if it is because of a medical reason that any student has missed nine (9) or more classes, he/she should discuss the matter with the professor and consider seeking a medical withdrawal from the course in the Registrar's Office.

Makeup Policy: This course does not regularly provide make-up exams. However, if students present a valid medical excuse documented in writing and processed through the Office of Associate Dean of Students, they will be permitted to complete a comparable written assignment to make up the lost work. This assignment will not be easy nor convenient, and it will be graded with considered attention. Except by special arrangement with the instructor, students have only one (1) week to complete and submit any makeup assignment for a quiz before the grade reverts to zero (unless there is continuing documented illness). It is the responsibility of the student to assume the initiative in pursuing any make-up assignment within that time deadline.

Athletes and Special Needs: Participation in athletic events or practices is NOT(!) a valid excuse to miss quizzes, term-paper due dates, or midterm and final examinations; make-up work will not be granted. When athletes check their schedules of away-games against the course assignment schedule, they must also check the travel schedule for each game. Athletes are responsible for the academic consequences of missing quizzes, exams, and due dates Any athletes who expect to miss quizzes, or exams should see the professor, and they should very seriously reconsider taking this class.

SNAP-Program students who are enrolled in this class specifically to replace a foreign language requirement should be aware that much of the course's content pertains to ancient foreign languages and words, as well as Egyptian and Mesopotamian terms, expressions personal names, etc.. Students will be evaluated on how well they master these as part of their studies, including correct spelling and pronunciation. If they feel these issues might hinder a successful outcome in this course, then they should see the professor and reconsider the appropriateness of this course for themselves

Due Dates and Topics: The dates of all assignments, including: readings, exercises, midterm exam, and panel papers, are noted on the "Reading Assignments"-Page. Paper topics are fully described on the "Required Papers"-page (see buttons in left frame).

Late Papers: Symposium papers are compiled and submitted by each panel. However any late papers that are submitted separately will be penalized five (5) points for each day late (including Saturdays), up to three days, after which they automatically receive a grade of "F", and will be graded no higher than 59%. Failure to submit a paper entirely will result in an automatic failure in the course, regardless of the student's grade standing. All aympoaium panel papers must be submitted in person to the instructor; failing that, they may be submitted to the History Department (Maybank 204), where the departmental administrators will certify and date-stamp their arrival.

Please note that in order to maintain flexibility in covering the course materials adequately, the instructor reserves the right to alter the schedule of lectures, discussions, and reading assignments at any time.

Classroom Behavior, Electronic Devices, etc.

Students are reminded that eating, drinking, and smoking are prohibited in the classrooms of the College of Charleston. The classroom is an inappropriate venue for reading newspapers, personal grooming (combing hair, applying makeup, etc.), or even sleeping. The instructor reserves the right to eject any student for unruly or disruptive behavior.

Electronic Devices in Class. Students may not operate ANY type of personal electronic device in class, especially: Blackberrys, Androids and Android-like devices of any kind, iPods, MP3 players, iPhones, cell phones, smart telephones, cameras of any kind, and any similar devices. Students may not use voice or video recorders of any kind, nor may they record any lectures without the prior authorization of the instructor.

Computers in Class. Students are not normally permitted to employ laptop, hand-held computers, digital notebooks, netbooks, iPads, nor any other electronic computing device in class without prior permission of the instructor. Any authorized student who abuses this privilege by engaging in activity unrelated to the class (checking e-mail, messaging, surfing the Web, recording, gaming, etc.) will forfeit permission to use the device in class for the rest of the term and will receive a 3-point reduction in the final course grade. A recent Stanford University study reveals that typically, students typing lecture notes usually have less comprehension of the lecture's contents and implications than students writing notes by hand.

Cell Phones in Class and Exams. Students may not make or receive cellular telephone calls, podcasts, text messages of any kind, nor accept any electronic pages during the class period. Please turn off all cell phones, pagers, iPods, iPads, and all other devices at the start of class.

Each time a cell phone or pager goes off or is activated in class during lectures and discussions, it will result in a 3-point reduction in the final course-grade for the student. However, if a student is found to be texting or receiving a text, it will result in a 5-point reduction in the final course-grade.

Any cell phone, pager or electronic device going off or activated during an exam, in addition to the 3-point course-grade reduction, will also result in a 15-point grade reduction for that exam. Any student found even handling a cell phone or electronic device, texting or receiving a text, during an exam will be considered cheating and will receive an automatic failing exam grade for the entire course.

Copyrights, Class Access, etc. All lectures are the copyright of the instructor. He is their owner, and he reserves all rights to their content. Students essentially license access to the lectures and their content for study purposes. They may take and keep written notes from them, as detailed as they wish, and make all necessary use of them for their studies and to meet the academic requirements of this and other courses. Only registered students (or students in the process of registering) and those formally auditing are permitted to sit in this class. Any unregistered persons and guests must have the prior permission of the instructor to sit in on any class.

Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty

The Honor Code of the College of Charleston strictly prohibits plagiarism, cheating, and attempted cheating. Students found by the instructor to commit these offenses will automatically fail the course with an "F", or else they will be reported to the College Honor Board and receive an "XF"-grade ("Failure due to Dishonesty"), which will appear as such on the college transcript. Additional penalties can include suspension or expulsion, depending on the severity of the plagiarism, as determined by the instructor, the Dean and/or the Honor Board. For definitions of these offenses and explanations of sanctions, see:

"The Honor Code," in College of Charleston Student Handbook, §9.6-7, pp. 11-12

Students are responsible for informing themselves of all definitions and regulations on this subject. Ignorance is not an acceptable excuse before the College Honor Board.