History 270

Classroom Visuals

    Themes and Topics
  1. Maps of Egypt and Nile Valley
  2. Maps of Nubia
  3. Satellite and Aerial Photographs of Egypt

  4. Historiography and Methods
  5. Land and Environment: Egypt
  6. Land and Environment: Nubia

  7. Creation Mythologies and Cosmologies
  8. Language and Writing
  9. Calendars and Chronology
  10. Egyptian Society and Social Structure

  11. Egypt: Predynastic and Archaic Periods
  12. Egypt: Old Kingdom and 1st Intermediate Period
  13. Egypt: Middle Kingdom and 2nd Intermediate Period
  14. Egypt: New Kingdom and Empire
  15. New Kingdom: Amarna Period and Following
  16. Egypt: Post-New Kingdom

  17. Nubia: Prehistoric and Neolithic thru A-Group
  18. Nubia: Old Kingdom
  19. Nubia C-group and Kingdom of Kush - Kerma
  20. Nubia: New Kingdom and Princedom of Teh-Khet
  21. Nubia: Kingdom of Kush - Napata and Meroe (Dynasty 25 and Later)


  1. Relief Map of Ancient Egypt and Western Asia
  2. Map: The Nile River Basin (sources of the Nile inundation)
  3. Map: Comparative Area Nile River and the United States
  4. Map of Modern Egypt (CIA)
  5. Map: Nile Valley: Egypt and Nubia & Arable Lands, NATGEO (color)
  6. Map: Second Intermediate Period Political Kingdoms along the Nile River

  7. Map of Egypt (color)
  8. Map: Egyptian Empire, New Kingdom
  9. Map of Egypt (black & white--for printing)
  10. Reconstruction: Egyptian world view looking North to South (color)
  11. Reconstruction: Egyptian world view looking North to South--with Egyptian place names (color)

  12. Map: Nile Delta: Cities and 7 Branches of the Ancient Nile River
  13. Map: Nile Delta: Ancient Coastline during the Old Kingdom
  14. Map: Nile Delta, Middle Kingdom, Line of Border Forts ("Walls of the Ruler")

  15. Map: The nomes of Upper and Lower Egypt (complete) Nome boundaries conjectured and standardized.
  16. Map: The nomes of the Delta (Lower Egypt) Exact nome boundaries are conjectured.
  17. Map: The nomes of the Upper Egypt (color) Exact nome boundaries are conjectured and stand (missing: 1st nome and 22nd nome).
  18. Map: Pyramid-temple estates of King Snefru Locations of estates (pious foundations) throughout the country in relation to the pyramid and temple at Dahshur.

  19. Map: Invasion routes of the Sea People through the Near East


  1. Map: Modern Sudan (pre-Breakup)
  2. Map: Modern South Sudan
  3. Map: Sudan of the Mahdi & Khalifa Domain, 1882-1898
  4. Map: Indigenous Tribes of Northern Sudan, Nubian and Arab

  5. Map: Nubia (color, reduced)
  6. Map: Nubia (B/W with desert tracks)
  7. Map: Eastern Mediterranean, Egypt, Kush and Punt
  8. Map: Nubia, Old Kingdom (journeys of Harkhuf, Heqaib, etc.)
  9. Map: Red Sea Routes to Punt (suggested locations)
  10. Map: Nubia and Upper Egypt, Middle Kingdom
  11. Map: Lower Nubia and Egypt, Second Intermediate Period

  12. Map: Forts of the Middle Kingdom: Faras through the Second Cataract Region
  13. Map: Second Cataract Region: The Forts of Amenemhat I
  14. Map: Second Cataract Region: The Forts of Sesostris III

  15. Map: Nubia/Kush, All Forts, Temples, & Archaeological Remains (Old thru New Kingdoms)


  1. Satellite Map: North Africa, the Sahara, Sehel, and Nile Valley
  2. Satellite Photo: Nile Valley Looking South to North
  3. Satellite Photo: Nile Valley, View West to East
  4. Satellite Photo: Nile Valley and the Red Sea
  5. Satellite Photos: Views of the Nile Delta from Space
  6. Satellite Map and Overlay: Luxor-Farshut Desert Roads Network
  7. Satellite Photo: Modern Luxor City and Western Thebes

  8. Composite Aerial Photo: Comparison of Khufu's Great Pyramid and College of Charleston campus
  9. Composite Aerial Photo: Comparison of Karnak Temple and College of Charleston campus
  10. Composite Aerial Photo: Comparison of the Fort of Buhen and College of Charleston campus


  1. Chart: Sources, Methods and Disciplines in Egyptian and Nubian Studies (historical archaeology)
  2. Chart: Sources, Methods and Disciplines in Egyptian and Nubian Studies (anthropological archaeology)
  3. Drawing: Profile of Nine Levels of Troy--Archaeological Stratigraphy
  4. Photo: Palermo Stone (recto), Second and Third Dynasty Annals
  5. Drawing: Palermo Stone (recto), Transcription of Annals
  6. Drawing: Annals of Amenemhat II, Middle Kingdom (transcription)
  7. Drawing: King List, Temple of Abydos, New Kingdom (facsimile-extract)
  8. Drawing: King List, Temple of Abydos, New Kingdom (transcription-complete)
  9. Photo: Turin Papyrus, Canon of Kings (section)
  10. Drawing: Turin Papyrus, Canon of Kings (transcription)


    Land & Landscapes:

  1. Drawing: Phases of the Sahara Desert, 120,000 BC to Present (color)
  2. Drawing: Topographical Cross-section of the Nile Valley, Upper Egypt
  3. Schematic Drawing: Nile Flood Plain, 1500 B.C., Plan and Section (color)

  4. Photo: Partially Collapsed Pyramid of Medum (and the Edge of the Cultivation)
  5. Photo: Panorama of West Bank of Thebes
  6. Photo: Middle Egypt Lush Oasis
  7. Photo: Riverbank Village, Nile Levee, Upper Egypt

  8. Satellite Photo: Site of Memphis Today: Mit Rahina and Badrasheen
  9. Map: Giza Pyramids and Ancient "Khufu" Branch of Nile River

    Inundation & Irrigation:

  10. Schematic Plan: Overview of Basin Irrigation System: basins and canals (color)
  11. Animation: Basin System at Work (idealized, orthogonal) (P. Piccione)
  12. Animation: Inundation of Flood Plain at Work (natural terrain) (P. Piccione)
  13. Animation: Catastrophic Flooding of Nile Vally near Memphis and Saqqara, Aerial (hypothetical). All levies, basins, & riverbanks breached; villages and cities swallowed.

  14. Aerial Photo: Nile Inundation at Giza
  15. Photo: Nile Inundation near Giza Pyramids
  16. Aerial Photo: Nile Inundation at Dahshur (with island-village)
  17. Photo: Riparian Lands and Fields, High Water (Summer),
  18. Photo: Nile River, Low Water in Winter (Upper Egypt, facing northwest)

  19. Photo: White Chapel of Sesostris I, Karnak Temple
  20. Photo and Text: White Chapel of Sesostris I and Text of Ideal the Nile inundation

  21. Photo: Modern Irrigation Canal, Western Thebes (Qurnah)
  22. Photo: Colossi of Memnon during Inundation, Western Thebes (Qurnah)
  23. Photo and Drawing: Comparison of ancient and modern shadufs, AD 1890 and tomb of Ipuy (14th century BC)


  1. Photo: Nile River, First Cataract, South of Aswan (color)
  2. Photo: First Cataract at Low Water (January-February, 1926)
  3. Photo: Building the First Aswan Low Dam (1898-1902)
  4. Photo: Second Aswan Low Dam (1912)
  5. Panoramic Photo: Nile River, "Belly of Stones" (Batn el-Hajjar), Second Cataract, AD 1890 (colorized)
  6. "Belly of Stones" (Batn el-Hajjar), Second Cataract region, from Fort Uronarti looking northward, AD 1906
  7. Photo & Map: "The Gate of Semna" (1898)

  8. Drawing: Hauling Boats over the Second Cataract, Illustrated London News, 1884
  9. Video: Re-enactment of Towing boats through the Second Cataract (feature film, "Four Feathers" [1939], Time Stamp: 40:13-43:42.--YouTube)

  10. Map: Second Cataract, Mirgissa, Dabenarti, and Boat Slipway
  11. Photo: Boat Slipway at Mirgissa under excavation (B/W wide view)
  12. Photo: Boat Slipway at Mirgissa (color)
  13. Photo: Boat Slipway detail, wood ties (sleepers) and ancient footprint
  14. Drawing: Boat Slipway, Archaeological Section and Profile (after Vercoutter)

  15. Satellite Photo: Nile River, Fourth Cataract, 2009
  16. Satellite Photo: Nile River, Fourth Cataract Flooded (Meroway Dam), 2013
  17. Photo: Nile River, Fourth Cataract, prior to flooding


  1. Chart: Egyptian Cosmogony of Heliopolis
  2. Photo (composite): Shabaka Stone: Memphite Theology
  3. Photo: Wall Painting of Ra in boat (tomb of Sennedjem)
  4. Photo: Statuette of Tutankhamun as Nefertem
  5. Photo: Statuette of Ptah (Tutankhamun)
  6. Drawing: Egyptian Conception of Cosmos (plan)
  7. Drawing from papyrus: Shu (air) Separates Geb (earth) from Nut (sky)
  8. Drawing: Schematic Conception of Heaven, Earth and Netherworld (elevation)


  1. Chart: Afro-Asiatic Languages
  2. Map: Distribution of Afro-Asiatic Languages
  3. Chart: Stemma of Semitic Languages
  4. Chart: Phases of the Egyptian Language and Wrting
  5. Chart: Egyptian Alphabet--Uniliteral Signs (Gardiner)
  6. Drawing: Samples of Hieratic Script (Gardiner)
  7. Drawing: Inscribed Doorway, Medinet Habu, Thutmose III, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (O.I. Epigraphic Survey)
  8. Rosetta Stone, Ptolemy IV Epiphanes, 196 BC
  9. First Hieroglyphs: Victory Inscription of King Scorpion at Gebel Tjauty, Dynasty 0. Alamat-Tal Road, ca. 3500 BC
  10. First Egyptian Hieroglyphs: Ivory Tags, Abydos, Dynasty 0. Tomb of King Scorpion, ca. 3500 BC
  11. Last Egyptian Hieroglyphs: Invocation to Merwel (Mandulis), Temple of Philae, AD 394
  12. Photo: General Horemheb as a Seated Scribe, Dynasty 18, Metropolitan Museum of Art


  1. Egyptian Lunar Calendar, Fall 2022 (pdf) or jpeg-file.
  2. Photo: Phases of the Moon (animation)
  3. Photo: Nabta Playa Astronomical Observatory, Calendar Ring (c. 4500-3600 BC)
  4. Photo: Nabta Playa Astronomical Observatory (c. 4500-3600 BC)
  5. Plan: Nabta Playa Calendar Ring and Lines of Sight (c. 4500-3600 BC)

  6. Drawing: Astronomical Ceiling, Tomb of Senenmut (ca. 1488 BC)
  7. Drawing: Senenmut Ceiling Detail: Constellation Orion and Star Sirius
  8. Photo: Constellation Orion and Star Sirius in the Southern Sky (click on image to animate labels)
  9. Photo-montage: Orion-Sah and Sirius-Sopdet in the Southern Sky
  10. Drawing: Sopdet as a Cow, Dendera Temple, Astronomical Ceiling
  11. Montage: Sopdet on Ivory Tag of King Djer, Abydos, First Dynasty

  12. Animation: Demonstration of Heliacal Rising of Sothis/Sirius (Peret Sopdet), Memphis, July 6, 1991, 4:50 am UT (= 6:55 am standard local time). Extracted from Sky View Café (skyviewcafe.com).
  13. Utility: Sky View Café.com. Demonstrate and explore astronomical events and observations in the past and present.; perform exercises in Egyptian calendrics.

  14. Drawing: Lunar Calendar with Concurrent Rotating Civil (Solar) Calendar (animation)
  15. Names of the Days of the Month in the Egyptian Lunar Year (Schematic)
  16. Egyptian Solar (Civil) Calendar: Seasons, Months and Days (Schematic)
  17. Chart: New Kingdom Regnal Year Dating (Issues)
  18. Chart: Comparison of Months of the Solar and Lunar Calendars with Coptic Month-names
  19. Chart: The Sothic Cycle Resulting from Daily Slippage between Solar Year (365 days) and Sidereal (Natural) Year (365.25 days)
  20. Chart: Concordance of Calendars: Gregorian and Egyptian Civil Years, 01/01/2012 - 12/31/2017
  21. Video (2:21): Winter Solstice Sunrise over Central Axis, Temple of Karnak, December 21, 2012 (You Tube) [chanting by Sufi singer Sheikh Amin el-Dishnawi]


  1. Diagram: Structure of Egyptian society: King as focus of society, around whom orbit the social classes
  2. Graph: Population of the Nile Valley, 5000 BC - AD 1000 (hypothetical)
  3. Chart: Hypothetical Demographic Development in Ancient Egypt (by Region), 4000 BC - 150 BC
  4. Chart: Organization of the Egyptian Government in the New Kingdom (O'Connor, 1983 & Cruz-Uribe, 1994)


  1. Drawing: Ivory Knife-handle, Gebel el-Arak, Egypt. Mesopotamian motives: master of animals (= Sumerian en) and preying animals, and Mesopotamian-like ships with upraised prows and sterns
  2. Drawing: Ivory Knife-handle, Gebel el-Tarif, Egypt. Mesopotamian motives: entwined serpents, rosettes, winged griffin, and preying animals

  3. Drawing: Scorpion Macehead, Hierakonpolis. Relief depicting King Scorpion of Hierakonpolis in the ritual of cutting open a dike or canal; dead rekhyt-birds on standards represent defeated people of the Delta-region.
  4. Drawing: Narmer Palette, Hierakonpolis. Left side depicts Narmer as King of Upper Egypt performing the ritual execution of a Lower Egyptian captive. The right side depicts him as King of Lower Egypt inspecting ten decapitated corpses.
  5. Photo: Ivory Label of Horus Aha Menes. Label from Naqada: Horus Aha-Nebty Men = Menes
  6. Drawing: Reconstruction of mastaba of King Djet, Saqqara, Dynasty 1

  7. Photo: Funerary Enclosure of Khasekhem, Hierakonpolis, Dynasty 2
  8. Photo: Funerary Enclosure of Khasekhem, Hierakonpolis, detail of niched-brick panelled facade
  9. Photo: Funerary Enclosure of Khasekhem, Abydos, Dynasty 2
  10. Photo: Boat-graves of Khasekhemwy, Abydos, Dynasty 2
  11. Drawing: Reconstruction of mastaba of Queen Merneit, Saqqara, Dynasty 1


  1. Photo: Step Pyramid Complex of Djoser, enclosure wall and main entrance
  2. Drawing: Section of Step Pyramid of King Djoser, Saqqara, Dynasty 3: detailing five phases in building program leading from mastaba to step pyramid
  3. Photo: Pyramid of Huni at Medum
  4. Drawing: Section of Pyramid of Huni at Medum, Dynasty 3-4: detailing alteration from step pyramid to true pyramid
  5. Photo: Bent Pyramid of Snefru at Dahshur, Dynasty 4
  6. Photo: Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops) at Giza (photo by Francis Frith)
  7. Composite Aerial Photo: Comparison of Khufu's Great Pyramid and College of Charleston campus
  8. Photo: Giza, Pyramids of Khufu's Queens and Boat-graves
  9. Photo: Giza, mastabas of the Old Kingdom, "City of the Dead"
  10. Photo: Giza, Pyramid of Khafre and mortuary temple (from top of Khufu's pyramid)
  11. Drawing: Reconstruction of the Pyramids of Abu Sir, Dynasty 5 (color)
  12. Drawing: 3-D Reconstruction of pyramid and pyramid temple of King Unas, Saqqara, Dynasty 5 (color)
  13. Drawing: Reconstruction of the sun-temple of King Neuserre at Abu Ghurob (Dynasty 5) with benben as cult-focus (color)

  14. Drawing: Scenes of grooming and shaving pubes (Old Kingdom wall relief), and circumcision of youth (New Kingdom, Karnak Temple)
  15. Photo: Reliefs of circumcision, mastaba of Ankhmahor (Old Kingdom, Saqqara)
  16. Drawing: Scenes of circumcision, mastaba of Ankhmahor (Old Kingdom, Saqqara)
  17. Photo: Stela of Uha with autobiography and admission of circumcision (First Intermediate Period, Naga el-Deir, Oriental Institute Museum)


  1. Photo: Mortuary temples of Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II and Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari (Dynasty 11, Western Thebes)
  2. Plan and reconstruction of the mortuary temple and tomb of Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II at Deir el-Bahari (Dynasty 11, Western Thebes)
  3. Photo: Statue of Deified King Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II (Deir el-Bahari temple and tomb)
  4. Photo: Theban Tomb, Cache of Soldiers Skeletons, Dynasty 11
  5. Photo: Detail, Soldiers Skeletons and Weapons
  6. Photo: Model of Nubian Archers Marching (Madjay (Cairo Museum)

  7. Photo: Statue of King Amenemhat (Karnak temple)
  8. Photo: Statue of Sesostris I (MMA-New York)
  9. Photo: Statuary of Sesostris III

  10. Map: Nubia, Second Cataract Region: The Forts of Amenemhat I
  11. Plan: Fort of Buhen, Outer Walls and Citadel (link to CofC overlay)
  12. Overlay-Aerial Photo: Comparison of Buhen Fort and College of Charleston campus
  13. Plan: Fort of Buhen (Detail: Barbican and Citadel)
  14. Overlay-Aerial Photo: Comparison of Buhen (Barbican and Citadel) and College of Charleston campus
  15. Photo: 3-Dimensional Reconstruction Buhen from the East (river)
  16. Photo: Nubia, Ruins of Fort of Buhen (colorized)
  17. Composite Photos: Fort of Buhen (color)

  18. Map: Nubia, Second Cataract Region: The Forts of Sesostris III
  19. Drawing: Nubia, Semna and Kumma Forts (Nubia)

  20. Photo: Second Cataract and Mirgissa Fort from Abusir Rock (1894)
  21. Plan: Fort of Mirgissa (after Vercoutter)
  22. Photo: Mirgissa Fort, Bastion
  23. Drawing: Nubia, Plan and Reconstruction, Fort of Shalfak
  24. "Belly of Stones" (Batn el-Hajjar), Second Cataract region, from Fort Uronarti looking northward, AD 1906

  25. Map: Second Intermediate Period Political Kingdoms along the Nile River
  26. Photo: head of the mummy of King Seqenenre Tao II (Thebes, Dyn. 17)
  27. Photo: Second Stela of Kamose (Dyn. 17)


  1. Map: Egyptian Empire, New Kingdom
  2. Photo: Statuette of Queen Ahmes-Nefertari
  3. Genealogical Chart: 17th-18th Dynasty Royal Family (color)
  4. Photo: Statue of Amenhotep I
  5. Photo: Statue of Queen Ahmes Meritamun (British Museum)

  6. Photo: Statue of Thutmose I
  7. Drawing: Relief of Queen Ahmes, Mother of Hatshepsut (drawn by Howard Carter, Temple of Deir el-Bahari)

  8. Photo: Statue of Queen Hatshepsut
  9. Photo: Obelisk of Queen Hatshepsut, decorated pyramidion, Karnak Temple (erased then recarved)
  10. Photo: Relief of Hatshepsut and Thutmose III as Co-regents following the Bark of Amun in Procession, Karnak Temple, Red Shrine
  11. Drawing: Procession of the Portable Bark-shrine of Amun-Ra, Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak, Dyn. 30 (wall relief, sanctuary facade)
  12. Photo: Obelisk of Queen Hatshepsut, decorated pyramidion, Karnak Temple

  13. Photo: Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, Western Thebes
  14. Drawing: Reconstruction, Temples of Deir el-Bahari (Hatshepsut, Thutmose III, Mentuhotep), Western Thebes (15th century BC)
  15. Drawing: Punt Expedition of Hatshepsut, Deir el-Bahari

  16. Photo: Western Thebes: Theban Necropolis Aerial from East (entire)
  17. Photo: Western Thebes, Deir el-Bahari Temple, Khokha (Aerial) from East
  18. Photo: Sheikh Abd el-Qurnah Hill, Rock Tombs (Aerial) from East

  19. Photo: Statue of Thutmose III
  20. Photo: Statue of Thutmose III (close-up)
  21. Photo: Statue of Amenhotep II

  22. Plan: Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak
  23. Montage: Gold Statue of Amun-Ra, 3rd Intermediate Period. Metropolitan Museum of Art (color)
  24. Drawing: Reconstruction of Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak
  25. Composite Aerial Photo: Comparison of Karnak Temple and College of Charleston campus
  26. Photo: First Pylon-gateway of the Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak
  27. Photo: Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak from above First Court
  28. Photo: Columns of the Hypostyle Hall, Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak
  29. Photo: Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak from Sacred Lake

  30. Map: Invasion Routes of the Sea People through the Near East
  31. Chart/List: Who Were the Sea People?
  32. Photo: Medinet Habu Temple Pylon
  33. Drawing: Medinet Habu Temple, First Pylon, reconstruction
  34. Photo: Medinet Habu Temple High Gateway and Royal Apartments
  35. Drawing: Egyptian Land Battle against the Sea People (Medinet Habu): Tableau
  36. Drawing: Egyptian Land Battle against the Sea People (Medinet Habu), detail
  37. Drawing: Egyptian naval battle against Sea People (Medinet Habu): Tableau
  38. Drawing: Relief of Egyptian naval battle against Sea People (Medinet Habu)
  39. Photo: Statue of Ramesses III (b/w)
  40. Photo: Mummy of Ramesses III (b/w)
  41. Photo: Mummy of Ramesses III, detail (color)
  42. Photo: Screaming Mummy of Prince Pentaweret (color)


  1. Photos: Stela of Amenhotep III (old) vs. Statue of Deified Amenhotep III Rejuvenated
  2. Photo: Stela of Amenhotep III as an old man, with Queen Tiye, Amarna. British Museum
  3. Photo: Statue of Cult Image of Deified Amenhotep III (red quartzite), the "Dazzling Aten of All Lands" (Luxor Museum)
  4. Photos: Statues of Akhenaten and Nefertiti
  5. Photo: Stela of Akhenaten, Nefertiti and Daughters
  6. Photo: Carved Relief, Akhenaten and Nefertiti Offering Water Jars to the Aten, Followed by Daughter
  7. Photos: Depictions of the Goddess Ma'at, "Truth"

  8. Photo: Decorated Talatat-blocks from the Temple of the Aten at Karnak, disassembled and mixed
  9. Photo: Decorated Talatat-blocks from the Temple of the Aten at Karnak, reconstructed and assembled
  10. Photo: Decorated Talatat-blocks from the Temple of the Aten at Karnak: preparing food offerings, making beer
  11. Photo: Amarna Tablet no. 365: Letter of Biridiya, Prince of Megiddo, to the King of Egypt (expressing loyalty and cooperation)

  12. Photo: Statuette of King Tutankhamun as the God Nefertem (Cairo Museum)
  13. Drawing: Reconstruction of the Tombs of Horemheb, Maya and Tiya at Saqqara



  1. Photo: Nabta Playa Astronomical Observatory, Calendar Ring (c. 4500-3600 BC)
  2. Photo: Nabta Playa Astronomical Observatory (c. 4500-3600 BC)
  3. Plan: Nabta Playa Calendar Ring and Lines of Sight (c. 4500-3600 BC)

  4. Map: A-Group Domain, Lower Nubia (ca. 3700 BC-3000 BC)
  5. Map: A-Group Individual Sites
  6. Link: Oriental Institute Museum Database, Collection of A-Group Objects
  7. Drawing: Qustul Incense Burner, side and top (Cemetery L 24 [1])
  8. Photo/Drawing: Qustul Incense Burner (Cemetery L 24 [1])
  9. Drawing: "Archaic Horus" Incense Burner, Qustul (Cemetery L 11 [25])
  10. Link: Oriental Institute Museum, Qustul Incense Burner (explanation)
  11. Drawing: Gebel Sheikh Suleiman Inscription: Egyptian Victory over Nubia or A-Group Victory over Hierakonpolis?


  1. Map: Eastern Mediterranean, Egypt, Kush and Punt
  2. Map: Nubia, Old Kingdom (journeys of Harkhuf, Heqaib, etc.)


  1. Map: Nubia and Upper Egypt, Middle Kingdom
  2. Map: Second Intermediate Period Political Kingdoms along the Nile River
  3. Map: Lower Nubia and Egypt, Second Intermediate Period

  4. Photo: Model of Nubian Archers Marching (Madjay (Cairo Museum)
  5. Map: Forts of the Middle Kingdom: Faras through the Second Cataract Region
  6. Map: Nubia, Second Cataract Region: The Forts of Amenemhat I
  7. Map: Nubia, Second Cataract Region: The Forts of Sesostris III

  8. Plan: Nubia, Fort of Buhen, Outer Fortifications and Citadel
  9. Plan: Nubia, Fort of Buhen-Detail of Citadel
  10. Composite Aerial Photo: Comparison of Buhen Fort and College of Charleston campus
  11. Composite Aerial Photo: Comparison of Buhen Fort and College of Charleston campus: Detail, Citadel
  12. Photo: Nubia, Ruins of Fort of Buhen (colorized)
  13. Composite Photos: Fort of Buhen (color)
  14. Photo: 3-Dimensional Reconstruction Buhen from the East (river)
  15. Photo: Ruins of Shalfak from the East (1962)
  16. Drawing: Plan and Reconstruction, Fort of Shalfak
  17. Photo & Sketch: "The Gate of Semna" (1898)
  18. Drawing: Nubia, Semna and Kumma Forts (color)
  19. Photo: View of Semna and Kumma from South (1898)
  20. Photo: View of Semna across to Kumma from West (1898)
  21. Photo: View of Kumma from West Bank (1898)

  22. Photo: Model of Kerma City (Bonnet)
  23. Plan: Kerma City (Bonnet)
  24. Plan: Kerma, Kushite Town (Bonnet)
  25. Photo: Kerma, Kushite Architectural Remains
  26. Photo: Kerma, Western Defuffa
  27. Plan: Kerma, W. Defuffa

  28. Composite: Kerma Royal Tomb, Tumulus KX, photo of storage galleries and reconstruction of tomb at burial rituals
  29. Plan: Kerma Royal Tomb (tumulus), diameter: 90 meters, with sacrificial corridor, burial chamber, and subsidiary grave pits
  30. Photo: Kerma Royal Tomb, Tumulus KX, sacrificial corridor strewn with skeletons of human sacrifices, and burial chamber entrance
  31. Photo: Kerma, Nubian Bed Burial (typical)

  32. Map: Second Intermediate Period Political Kingdoms along the Nile River


  1. Map: Nubia/Kush, All Forts, Temples, & Archaeological Remains (Old thru New Kingdoms)

  2. Photo: Dokki Gel, Egyptian ceremonial center at Kerma (palaces, temples, storehouses, workshops, columned halls, and gateways. Overview.

  3. Video: Kurgus, Haggar el-Merwa (Miw), Boundary Stelae of Thutmose I and Thutmose III

  4. Photo: Temple of Abu Simbel, Lower Nubia prior to Lake Nasser (Inundation season). Date: Dyn. 19; built by Ramesses II to Amun-Re, Re-Horakhy, Ptah and Ramesses II
  5. Photo: Temple of Abu Simbel, Lower Nubia, main temple facade
  6. Photo: Temple of Abu Simbel, Lower Nubia, main temple, moving the temple and statues to high ground

  7. Photo: Wall Relief: Distribution of Supplies and Clothing to Nubian Soldiers, Egyptian Army. Tomb of Horemheb, Saqqara.
  8. Photo: Wall Relief, Tomb of Huy: Procession of Egyptianized Nubians bringing tribute to King Tutankhamun
  9. Photo: Rulers of Nubia Bow Down and Give Praise to King Tutankhamun with their sons, princes of Nubia, processing behind them. Theban Tomb #40, Tomb of Huy. The princes are called, "The offspring of the rulers of all the (southern) foreign lands." These chiefs wear Nubian clothing fitting their rank. The princes wear Egyptian clothing, collars, wigs, and head pieces, but jewelry is Nubian.
  10. Photo: Procession of Egyptianized Nubian Princes coming before King Tutankhamun. Theban Tomb #40, Tomb of Huy. NB: Different skin colors reveal variant Lower Nubian tribal ethnicities.
  11. Photo: Egyptianized Nubian Princess--little girl, Coming to King Tutankhamun with Tribute. Theban Tomb #40, Tomb of Huy. NB: Her chariot, armed with a bow case, is drawn by pair of Nubian oxen. She is small, wears Nubian ornate feathered headdress and Egyptian wig. Tribute bearer carries sack of gold and leopard skin.
  12. Detail: Nubian Bearers with Tribute to King Tutankhamun: rings of gold, sack of gold dust, giraffe. Theban Tomb #40, Tomb of Huy.
  13. Photo: Wall Scene of Tutankhamun Enthroned Receiving Nubian Vassals (tomb of Huy)

  14. Photo: Decorated Box of Tutankhamun, Battle against Nubian bowmen. The fan-bearers behind the king include an Egyptian, Nubian, and Asiatic. Inscription: "The good god, image of Re, who appears (in battle) in foreign lands, just like the rising of Ra, he wiping away this land of vile Kush; shooting his arrows at the enemies."
  15. Photo: Tutankhamun Walking Stick Handle, Bound Nubian Captive. An example of sympathetic magic: as the king grips the handle, so he crushes Nubians and Nubia bound in his grasp.

  16. Drawing: Captured Peoples of the Egyptian Empire (personification of the "Nine Bows"-enemies), from the throne dais of Amenhotep III
  17. Photo: Medinet Habu Palace: Ceramic Wall Inlays, Depictions of Foreign Enemies: Libyan, Nubian, and Asiatics
  18. Photo: Medinet Habu Palace: Ceramic Wall Inlays, Depictions of Foreign Enemies: Nubians (2), Asiatics (2), Libyans (2)

  19. Photo: Nauri, Upper Nubia, Stela of Seti I
  20. Drawing, Nauri Decree Stela of Seti I
  21. Photo: Nauri Stela Lunette: Sety I presents ma'at to the gods.
  22. Drawing: Nauri Stela Detail, Lunette: Sety I presents ma'at to Amun-Re, Re-Horakhty, and Ptah-Neferher.


  1. Photo: Wall Scene, Nubian Queen Katimala offering bouquet to Isis with victory inscription, Semna Temple (Dyn. 21-22). Oriental Institute photo P. 3348=N. 2420
  2. Photo: Wall Scene, Nubian Queen Katimala victory inscription (hieroglyphic text), Semna Temple (Dyn. 21-22). Oriental Institute photo P. 3349=N. 2423
  3. Drawing: Tableau of Queen Katimala at Semna (Dyn. 21-22 [after Darnell]
  4. Photo: Wall Scene, Kushite Queen, Napata (1906), enthroned, receiving incense, protected by winged Isis behind
  5. Photo: Wall Scene, Kushite Queen: Kandake, Meroë (1906), seated in pavilion, receiving food offerings

  6. Chart: Kings of 25th Dynasty, Family Lineage
  7. Drawing: Victory Stela of Piye, Gebel Barkal (Dyn. 25)
  8. Photo: el-Kurru, Pyramid of Piye and descending corridor (Dyn. 25)
  9. Painting: Reconstruction of Jebel Barkal Complex, Napatan Period
  10. Photo: Jebel Barkal, the "Pure Mountain", temple and palace at base
  11. Photo: High-sloped Pyramid Above Tomb of Sennedjem, Deir el-Medinah, Dyn. 19 (view retored of pyramids on other tombs)
  12. Photo: High-sloped Royal Pyramids of Meroë

  13. Photo: Wall Relief, Kushite King Arnekhamani before lion-god Apedemak, Prince Arka offers incense, Meroitic Period. Temple of Apedemak, Musawarat el-Sufra
  14. Photo: Statues of Kings Aspelta and Anlamani, Napatan Period
  15. Photo: Statues of Kushite Kings (Dyn. 25), found in statue cache at Kerma

  16. Photo: Hill of Qasr Ibrim from East = Roman Premnis (1962)
  17. Photo: Qasr Ibrim from the West = Roman Premnis (1890, colorized)

  18. Map: Indigenous Tribes of Northern Sudan, Nubian and Arab
  19. Photo: Amarar (Bedja) tribal warrior, 1929, Sudan, with sword, elephant-hide shield, and dagger
  20. Photo: Amarar (Bedja) warriors, 1929, Sudan
  21. Photo: Bishariin (Bedja) men, 1929, Egypt and Sudan

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